What Should Wrestlers Eat Before a Match/Weigh In?

In the sport of wrestling, athletes must overpower, outlast or outmaneuver their opponent. These feats require excellent cardiovascular fitness, individual power, finesse and mental focus. The large impact nutrition has on these characteristics makes knowledge based dietary choices essential to high level performance. So, what should wrestlers eat before a match/weigh-in?

About 1-2 hours before a weigh-in or 3-4 hours before a match athletes should consume a meal containing carbohydrates, protein and some fat. This meal helps a wrestler feel satisfied and energized. Around 1-2 hours pre-match, wrestlers may also want to consume a lighter snack. A wrestler will want to limit high fat, high sugar, and high fiber foods and eat a snack higher in carbohydrate with moderate protein.

A wrestler should continue to drink fluids and stay properly hydrated leading up to the weigh-in and match. Adequate hydration takes time and will not occur in only a couple hours. Dehydration will result in decreased performance and health.

Continue to read to find out more about effective nutrition before a weigh-in or match.

What should a wrestler eat before a weigh in? 

The sport of wrestling is notorious for the dangerous practices athletes engage in to achieve a desired number on the scale at weigh-ins.  Athletes hope the rapid weight loss will provide a competitive advantage by maintaining strength while fitting into a lighter weight category.

However, the performance costs of skipping meals and restricting water far outweigh any small weight benefit. These measures often cause dehydration and low energy. Instead, a wrestler will want to eat an overall healthy meal pattern, including fueling and hydrating well, before a wrestling event.

With weigh-ins typically occurring 1-2 hours before the first match, a wrestler can eat a balanced meal 1-2 hours before the weigh-in, or 3-4 hours before the match.

This meal should contain an appropriate balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat. A good pattern to follow consists of half the plate fruit and vegetables, a quarter of the plate protein and another quarter of the plate grains and/or starchy vegetables.

Carbohydrates provide quick energy to fuel the match. Protein will help maintain, build and repair body tissue. Fats will provide long lasting energy and satiety. Consuming all of these macro-nutrients throughout the day will give wrestlers the necessary nutrition to compete well.

Wrestlers will want to avoid consuming too much or trying new foods the day of the event. Both practices may leave wrestlers with an upset stomach during their matches. Athletes should find what foods, portions and meal timings work best for them during training, not on game day.

Meal Ideas*:

  • Tuna fish whole wheat sandwich
  • Cheese and bean whole grain quesadilla
  • Chicken noodle soup
  • Lean ground beef sloppy joe with sweet potato fries
  • Egg and spinach burrito

*add a side of fruit and vegetables

How should a wrestler appropriately hydrate before, during and after a match?

Drinking adequate fluid protects the wrestler’s ability to perform at the highest possible level. Dehydration, even by just 2%, significantly decreases cognitive and physical capability. Wrestlers should avoid any restriction of fluid before, during or after a wrestling match or training.

Pre-match hydration for wrestlers

The best fluids to drink contain no added sugars. These fluids include water, milk, unsweetened plant-based milks and 100% fruit juice. Those drinks with added sugars can cause blood sugar crashes, unwanted weight gain and poor oral health.

In the days prior to a match, an athlete should drink consistently throughout the day. Thirst often indicates the beginning of dehydration. Instead, a better measure of hydration comes from urine color. Athletes should drink enough fluids that urine comes out a pale yellow. Often this amount comes to about 1/2-1-ounce fluid per body weight.

During the match

A competitive match or training will induce loss of body fluid through sweating and other body functions. In order to replace this fluid loss, a wrestler should drink fluids throughout practices and between matches.

Staying hydrated improves energy utilization, movement, recovery, agility, thermoregulation, and mental clarity and activity. These benefits emphasize the importance of drinking fluids during athletic events. 

Similar to before an event, athletes usually only need water or other unsweetened beverages. In the case of workouts or events lasting longer than an hour and with excessive sweating, a wrestler may benefit from a sports drink to help replace lost electrolytes and maintain blood sugar.

Post-match hydration for wrestlers

Between matches or after a full day of wrestling, athletes will want to ensure proper re-hydration. A wrestler can drink about 24 ounces fluid for every pound of water weight lost.

Again, unsweetened beverages usually provide the best option for post- performance hydration. However, hydration can also be combined with nutrition recovery. This combination may involve drinking a beverage that also contains some protein and carbohydrate such as chocolate milk or a smoothie.


What should a wrestler eat before a match? 

In the 1-2 hours before a match, wrestlers may want to eat a snack to avoid hunger and provide energy. This snack should include mostly carbohydrate with moderate protein. 

Certain guidelines improve digestibility of foods close to match time. Wrestlers will want to limit high fat, high fiber, high sugar and foods with sugar alcohols at this time. These types of foods may negatively impact performance due to gut distress or blood sugar crashes.

Snack ideas:

  • Trail mix with pretzels/dried fruit
  • String cheese and crackers
  • Fruit without skin with some nut butter
  • Yogurt parfait
  • Egg on toast
  • Low fat cheese quesadilla
  • Oatmeal
  • Cereal with milk
  • Fruit smoothie

What should a wrestler eat during a match? 

While wrestlers will not eat during a match, they may find themselves needing food between several matches. The portion and types of foods depend on the time between matches.

For quick energy between matches, liquids and easy to eat snack foods provide fast options. These choices should follow the guidelines of snacks eaten before a match with little fat, few added sugars, low fiber and no sugar alcohols.

Easy snacks*:

  • 100% fruit juice and cheese stick 
  • Dried fruit with some jerky
  • Dry cereal
  • Peanut butter and fruit on bread
  • Chicken wrap
  • Wheat thins and nuts

*Any pre-match snack mentioned in earlier section

What should a wrestler eat after a match?

Nutrition after a match remains just as vital to high overall performance as nutrition before and during a match. The time period after a match or workout provides the body with an opportunity to recover and build. Poor recovery due to dietary choices or other habits will lead to higher injury, illness and fatigue risk.

Eating a carbohydrate and protein rich snack or meal after an event will offer great recovery benefits. The body uses protein to assists with tissue repair and building. Carbohydrate not only plays a role in this process, but also replenishes glycogen stores, which provides an athlete with future energy. And no longer a digestive concern, healthy fats also help in recovery and refueling.

Antioxidants, polyphenols and certain vitamins and minerals will combat inflammation and stress resulting from exercise. These anti-inflammatory food components are found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and fatty fish. Research particularly support tart cherries, beets and blueberries as great foods for post workout recovery.

Eating a snack or meal within two hours allows the body to best utilize the nutrients for recovery. Replacing fluid losses should happen as soon as possible. As the body recuperates, a wrestler should continue to drink fluids and eat nutrient full foods. These dietary choices will prepare a wrestler for upcoming trainings and matches.

Recovery meals and snacks:

  • Cottage cheese fruit smoothie with beet juice
  • Yogurt with tart cherry juice and granola
  • Nuts with whole grain crackers
  • Oatmeal with almond butter and blueberries
  • Bean and chicken taco salad 
  • Salmon with roasted potatoes and other veggies
  • Spinach lasagna

What are some healthy tips for teenage wrestlers? 

A match day only makes up a small portion of a wrestler’s life. The other days of training and recovery remain just as important for an athlete’ current and future health. 

  1. Prioritize sleep

Teenagers need adequate, quality sleep to continue to grow and develop well. Sleep also promotes recovery, protects the immune system, fights inflammation and increases mental health. Teens should strive for 8-10 hours of consistent sleep each night.

  1. Avoid extreme weight loss practices

Sitting in a sauna for extended periods, training in a trash bag, withholding food or water, or any other fast weight loss practice lead to fatigue, dehydration and possible medical emergencies. 

Adolescents should rarely attempt to lose weight. Only under the direction of a healthcare professional should teenagers ever look to lose weight. Instead, teen athletes should focus on developing healthy, long lasting habits.

  1. Eat an overall healthy meal pattern without restriction

A healthy meal pattern for a wrestler will focus on inclusion over exclusion of foods. Athletes should look to include more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, seafood, legumes, nuts, seeds and other nutrient dense foods. These foods offer a combination of nutrients, water and other components that support short- and long-term health.

  1. Stay hydrated

Drink fluids throughout the week, not just on match days. Outside of athletic performance, these fluids participate in countless functions essential to life.

  1. Create balance

Wellness incorporates more than just physical fitness. Too much focus on the sport may cause other areas of life to suffer such as academics, social life or family relationships. Create a sustainable balance in life by prioritizing and saying no when needed.

  1. Decrease stress

Chronic stress wreaks havoc on health. A teenage athlete will experience stress but should find effective ways to manage that stress. Some ideas include talking to someone, prioritizing activities, making time for hobbies and learning relaxation techniques. 

  1. Have fun

Wrestlers should find enjoyment through their sport. Lack of excitement may indicate a need for some aspect of life to shift. They should also continue to enjoy experiences outside of training and competing.

Katherine Harmer, RDN

I'm a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a love for coaching others to success in their health goals, especially teenage athletes. Tennis was my sport of choice in high school. Now I'm a little bit older, a little bit smarter, and a little bit worse at tennis.

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